
70cm UKAC July 2019

By Matt, 2E1HNK on

The first 10 minutes of the 2M contest were absolutely cracking with Es propagation to Italy. I only worked one (I7CSB) but that was with only 10W SSB to an 8-element beam, so I was pretty chuffed. Given the presence of enhanced propagation I spent quite a lot of time in S&P mode looking for distant bonus squares before they disappeared. This resulted in working a number of squares that I don't normally get, including JO12 and JO22 and up to IO64 and IO94.

70cm was disappointing in comparison, however I did work some of the slightly more difficult-to-get squares (for me) such as IO90 and IO74.


Total QSOs: ?

Total Points: ? (? QSO points + ? bonus points)

ODX: ?

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ex 2E1HNK

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