The antenna was swinging on the mast, so anything up to about 30° out.
About 10 minutes after the start, the voltage at the rig started dropping to about 10V after a couple of seconds of transmit. This causes the rig to either FM or to just cut out completely. The voltmeter on by ignition-sense disconnect box wasn't showing a problem. I didn't manage to properly diagnose the problem but feeding the system from the cigar lighter socket seemed to fix the problem.
In messing about with the power, I lost audio to the right side of my headphones. This is annoying but not a deal-breaker so I pressed on.
I'm not convinced that the radiation pattern of the antenna is particularly good. This is hard to judge given that I wasn't sure where the antenna was actually pointing, but I did seem to work more people who were about 30° off the centre of the beam (taking into account the fact that it wasn't point where it should have been), or about 120° off.